Telling stories and sharing ideas

Wonder(ful) Things

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Yellow XPac Fabric

Lets Talk X-Pac

Originally, early versions of these fabrics were being used by sailmakers for high-end sailboat sails, such as those seen in boats racing in The Americas Cup, after all the fabric was designed by sailors to begin with. These fabrics however have found a home in many applications and have advanced far beyond their early days of boat sails.

Rolling Into Winter; Reviewing the State 6061 All Road

Rolling Into Winter; Reviewing the State 6061 All Road

I have been riding this thing almost everyday, both as a city commuter and on some moderate to long gravel rides and have a few thoughts. 

Some Good Stuff

Some Good Stuff

It's been busy around the shop these past few weeks, so it's nice to sit down, collect our thoughts, take a look back at all that has been going on,...