The new VX21 bags are a major step up from the previous design. The material is durable and has held up very well so far. The reinforced panels are also a nice feature and do a great job keeping the bag from slumping.
High quality fasteners and manufacturing - as good as it gets!
I already owned the original Wonder Goods handlebar bag but I bought another bike and wanted another bag to go with it. The VX21 is overall pretty similar, but the two main improvements in my mind are the Xpac fabric and the plastic internal shell, and they make a huge difference. This bag holds its shape much better than the original, making it easier to get stuff in and out, especially one-handed while riding. It doesn't deform on the backside where my brifter cables push against it, and it also looks much better as a result. I would absolutely recommend this bag to anyone, especially my fellow Michiganders.
The quality of the material and the quality of assembly was absolutely superb. The design is well thought out. It also looks bad ass on my klunker.
This bag has been a great addition to my gravel bike, it’s solid and does everything it needs to in a stellar fashion
This pouch is the perfect size for my chargers. It is well made and very good quality. I can’t wait to order a tote bag!
Love this bag. A little easier to grab the water bottle from this bag. And you can always fill it full of other small items. Works great, quality construction. And from a business locally. Would reccomend.
We love Wonder Goods! Their products are top-notch and their customer service is even better!
This bag is awesome and has become a staple when I go out riding. It’s easy to access and it has ample room for just about anything. Also if you loose a strap they will help you out and get you replacements ! Such a cool brand and will buy more from them in the future !
I absolutely love the quality of the bag, it’s large enough to fit my phone, nutrition, a multi tool and an extra battery and I still have room for more. My only complaint which is so minor that it wouldn’t make me not buy the bag again is that there’s no gripper areas where the bag meets the frame and it has a tendency to slide around a bit, I’m fixing this with reusable straps that I can really sinch down from Amazon and gripper pads that are made for phone cases
I love this bag, it’s very well made and the Velcro straps to mount it to the top tube can be moved anywhere along the bottom ensuring it fits all my bikes, the stem strap is really well thought out so it fits in bikes even with zero spacers
I bought a top tube bag and handle bar bag … both in hot pink. They are perfect sizes, fit well on the bike and look GREAT! High quality. Definitely recommend.
This bag is the perfect top tube bag! Well made, holds the right amount of stuff, secures well to the bike and Nick at the shop is super helpful! 10/10 would recommend! Will be back for more!
Love this hoodie. Super comfortable. Fit is great. Design is amazing. Wonder goods knocked it out of the park. 10/10
I wish I would have known I would have made a video of the unboxing experience. This is a great small business that cares about their products. I love the hoodie, it is warm and long enough for my long arms. Size seems to be on point: I wear Large, I ordered large...everything worked out.
Really nice size, holds everything I want to carry with room for snacks. Excellent quality & construction. A lot of nice details. Thoroughly impressed. 🍻
I bought this bag for a friend, and they loved it so much they talked me into buying one for myself. Amazing quality, attention in the details, + you can wear/use it so many different ways. It fits way more than you would think, and has a bunch of compartments inside to keep it organized. Highly rec!
I lived in a rainy climate for a few years and would mountain bike with this handlebar bag often, it never leaked or got any of the stuff inside wet. It fits everything you need; snacks, phone, headphones... I've even stuffed jackets inside and usually end up throwing my biking gloves inside as well. Love this bag and it still looks the same as the day I got it!