Wonder didn’t start out as a company, it started as many things do, a friendship. In March of 2018, Nick and Aaron had a cup of coffee that grew into a conversation about experiences, failures, hopes, and aspirations. It was a conversation about mutual friends and single degrees of separation that grew into more cups of coffee, more conversations, and a growing sense of commonality. All that talk soon grew into an idea and that idea unfolded into what has become Wonder Goods.

Yes, we make bags but we are more than that. We are focused on creating a collaborative culture and human-centered design, which is filtered through environmental responsibility. It's by actively implementing these principles that we guide Wonder Goods, these are more than passing trends to us, these are things we truly believe in. So with all that in mind, we keep our production runs small, work with other makers & designers both locally and globally, provide repair options to our customers in order to keep our products out of the landfill, and constantly look into ways we can lessen the impact we have on our planet.